Prompt Sample:
/imagine playful children’s pediatric waiting room jewel tones illuminated with daylighting from skylights
Select one of the images to add more content – Right Click the image and select Copy Image address then paste /imagine pasted address into the prompt and add additional text to produce additional renderings.
Citing the image in your presentations:
Please add this acirtation language t the image location on the boards:
1. This rendering was produced using Midjourney AI software
If you use the rendering from Midjourney and add your custom lighting fixture in photoshop or another program:
2. This rendering was produced using Midjourney AI software with the addition of a custom designed lighting fixture.
Upload screen shots of your imagery produced using Midjourney similar to the pasted screenshot provided above.
In addition, Answer the following questions in essay format:
- Using language that describes the design intention of the lighting fixture and space it is located, create a prompt to generate rendered images; did the prompt produce a rendering in line with your design intention? If not, how did you edit the prompt to get closer to what you have envisioned?
- Once you landed on a desired image, what text did you add to enhance and generate a new rendering?, Did the additional language produced a more desired effect? If not, please explain the results.
- Have you used AI software in the past, including ChatGPT? Please explain how and for what purpose you have used AI software previously.
- How do feel the use of this ideation tool will support your design projects in the future?
- Rate your experience using Midjourney today between 1-5 (5 being outstanding).
Upload your images, prompts, and responses to the questions in essay format 8.5″ 11″.